Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Sermon: The Renovator
1 Peter 2:2-10
From time to
time on TV I watch home renovation shows. There are lots of them, and all of
them are about the same in terms of process. They start with a home that looks
old, doesn’t function well for the current owner’s lifestyle because they have
married, had kids, or some other change in life. In addition, the house
probably has a couple of hidden challenges – like scary plumbing or a weight
bearing wall that shouldn’t be weight bearing. Into this challenging mix steps
the amazingly gifted renovator who is able to see the potential and beauty that
is hiding just out of sight of most of us. After lots of work, and a bucketful
of money, the house is transformed into something new, attractive and functional.
I think what draws me to the show are the transformations that are
possible. To see something that was once the source of frustration become
something that is a source of joy to the owners is exciting.
And I wonder if God ever feels like a master renovator of our lives. God
sees the potential and beauty in us that is hiding just out of sight of most of
us. And so God pours in lots of work, and a bucketful of resources to transform
us, so that rather being a source of frustration to God and others we can be a
source of joy to both.
There is a lot of potential in the parallels between ourselves and an old
building in need of work (not that I am saying you are old), but rather that
all of us need work. Scripture actually makes use of that image a couple of
times – you remember the phrase that your body is a temple? That’s from 1
Corinthians 6:19 – “Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy
Spirit who is in you?”
But there is another longer passage in 1 Peter in which Peter uses the image of
building a temple. Jesus is the cornerstone, and each of us are stones to be
used in the building of the temple. The building which God is building is not
us alone as individuals, but rather us together as a community – the church.
Now you are
coming to him as to a living stone. Even though this stone was rejected by
humans, from God’s perspective it is chosen, valuable. You yourselves are being
built like living stones into a spiritual temple. You are being made into a
holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God
through Jesus Christ.
Thus it is
written in scripture, Look! I am laying a cornerstone in Zion, chosen,
valuable. The person who believes in him will never be shamed.
So God honors
you who believe. For those who refuse to believe, though, the stone the
builders tossed aside has become the capstone. This is a stone that makes
people stumble and a rock that makes them fall. Because they refuse to believe
in the word, they stumble. Indeed, this is the end to which they were
But you are a
chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people who are God’s own
possession. You have become this people so that you may speak of the wonderful
acts of the one who called you out of darkness into his amazing light. Once you
weren’t a people, but now you are God’s people. Once you hadn’t received mercy,
but now you have received mercy.
Peter starts our calling us stones, stones
that are being made into a temple for God, where each of the stones is meant to
be a holy representative, of God. I suppose the biggest difference between this image
and the home renovation shows is that this is a new build. We are not told to
imagine an old decrepit, falling down temple that has lots of problems. Instead
we are told to imagine a new build. A build where the people who were once
nobody are now God’s people, where stones that were once rejected have now been
shaped into ones that are specially chosen and valuable.
For us as individuals that is wonderful news. If you weren’t raised in a
church, if you never felt loved, if you felt rejected by others, if you have
never felt like you had a place or a home, or you never fit in, God is calling
you to be a part of this new thing that God is doing in your life. Take joy my
friends that God does not reject you, rather as the renovator in the home
improvement show, God really does see the beauty and potential in you. I wasn’t
making that up.
Now, I am not
talking about the church building being in need of renovation. When I talk
about the church I am talking about the people, the congregations, the
Christians around the world who follow Christ, however we are organized. That’s
the church to me. And I am not talking about the things that church growth
experts talk about, like the style of the service and the programs we offer. I
am talking about much deeper things – the heart of the church, that which has
always been vital and true.
So I began to
think about what Peter would tell us if he were to compare our church situation
with a home renovation show.
I think he
would begin by telling us that there is much that we need to keep, that we need
to remain built upon our foundation of Christ, and that the bones of the
building of the church are very good. He would probably remind us of the
potential of the church, how it can be everything that we need it to be, that
it can be functional and beautiful again.
Again I am not
talking about our church building, but about the way we as Christians are
organized and come together. Perhaps what we once thought was good is no longer
useful, or it has been misused, and now needs to be rebuilt. If I had to name
one example, I would suggest that our biggest problem right now in the church
is that we have lost our sense of mystery and our willingness to ask questions.
We have looked for security in certainty (well defined answers about God that
are 500 years old or older). And when someone questions those answers, we treat
them like outsiders. In other words we reject the stones that God wants to use
in the temple because they make us uncomfortable. It is no different a
situation than the one Peter faced as he reached out from the established
Jewish religion to those who were not Jewish. He understood that through Christ
the cornerstone, people were being invited in that did not share his old
established religious values, rather they came as a new priesthood, bringing
spiritual sacrifices to God.
We may live in a similar time in which we have to open our doors to people
that will question everything we do and say, that may challenge the very things
we think are most fundamental about our faith – stripping it to the very
foundation where only Christ remains – but what do I know! I am no prophet or
seer who can see the future, I only know that there is a great source of building
material out there that doesn’t feel welcome in the church – and that isn’t the
way it is supposed to be. Anyway, enough of that.
A second
renovation that I think Peter would suggest is that he would remind us that
although God is the builder, we are the building materials of the church. Since
the construction of the church uses us, what the church ends up being very much
reflects us. So if we are shoddy Christians, our builder has to work a lot longer
and harder on us to get us to be ready for the final reveal. We may need some
repair, repainting and a bit of polish. So we should be working on ourselves.
It should be our personal goal to be the very best Christians we can be. We
should be brushing up on our bible knowledge, getting better in our prayer
life, and most of all we should be growing in our ability to love others – that
is the most vital of all the spiritual gifts. If you don’t love people more
today than you did yesterday, you aren’t growing in your spirit like God wants.
You can speak in the tongues of angels, but if you have not love, you have
nothing. So people work on growing in love. Remember the church looks like you.
Of course, most of us will never quite perfect ourselves in love, but here
is the good news, God
chooses to use us anyway. Perhaps because we have character, or perhaps because
God sees the potential in us, just as God sees the potential in the finished
church. But God uses us, calls us a part of the royal priesthood, even though
we have growth yet to accomplish.
As you go from this place today, my prayer is that you would know that God
chooses even the people rejected by the world for the building of this holy
temple. That means you are accepted, claimed and valued by God. It also means
that God values and accepts other around you who may be rejected and despised.
With this group of unusual stones God then builds. Our role is to grow into the
potential that God sees in us – especially in that one vital gift – the gift of
love, which is the bedrock of Christ, and the foundation of all that we
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